ASME® Appendix 2 Flange Design Simplified
Standard ASME B16.5 /16.47 rated flanges usually provide the most cost effective bolted connections but are not always the correct solution for the job at hand. For these cases, the more complex rules of ASME Appendix 2 are used to create custom flange configurations. The number of variables that must be input to produce a workable Appendix 2 flange make this a time consuming task even with software that performs the basic Appendix 2 calculations. This is where the COMPRESS Flange Design Wizard comes in. It creates optimized Appendix 2 (custom or body) flange designs with minimal time and effort.
In addition to the Flange Design Wizard, the Appendix 2 flange design dialog has a handy ASME B16.5 /16.47 lookup table. This feature provides fast flange geometry data entry when performing Appendix 2 stress analysis on standard ASME B16.5 /16.47 rated flanges. One common use for this is to re-rate in-service flanges that have had their faces re-machined to remove corrosion. Note that both the COMPRESS Appendix 2 flange design and ASME B16.5 / B16.47 standard flange ratings include consideration of external loadings and comply with ASME Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-85.
The COMPRESS Flange Design Wizard:
Finds a balance between bolt number and size, gasket location, hub dimensions and flange thickness with the goal of minimizing flange weight and machining time.
- Provides options to use a minimum bolt size, limit the maximum bolt count and specify a minimum gasket to bolt hole clearance.
- Detects and optimizes mating flange pairs.
- Automatically uses the mating Appendix 2 flange bolt loads when designing ASME bolted covers.
COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Design Highlights

UG-28 rules for external pressure of 15psig and greater.

COMPRESS, Productivity and the Other Guys.Productivity
Software packages like COMPRESS exist to increase productivity and save Engineering hours.
Heat Exchanger Option
Add heat exchanger functionality to COMPRESS.Heat Exchanger Option
Perform ASME UHX and TEMA calculations and transfers these designs to your estimating and drafting departments.
Division 2 Option
Design or de-rate Division 2 pressure vessels.Division 2 Option
Many companies use the alternative rules of Division 2 because of the cost savings, versus Division 1.
MDMT Rules of UCS-66
The importance of UCS-66 in preventing vessel brittle fracture failures.MDMT Rules of UCS-66
The rules of UCS-66 guard against vessel failure by brittle fracture, a low probability high consequence event.
Finite Element Analysis
FEA takes over where WRC-107 leaves off.Finite Element Analysis
Pressure vessel FEA is more accurate than the methods of WRC-107, WRC-297 or WRC-537.
Vessel Wizard
Speed pressure vessel design using minimal input.Vessel Wizard
The Vessel Wizard speeds pressure vessel design by creating complete pressure vessel models with minimal input.
Generate costed bills of materials by creating interactive Excel spreadsheets.COSTER
Import files from COMPRESS and create user customizable pressure vessel cost estimates in spreadsheet format.
Flange Wizard
Create optimized ASME Appendix 2 flanges.Flange Wizard
Create optimized Appendix 2 (custom or body) flange designs with minimal time and effort.
Quick Design
Enhance Productivity with Quick Design Mode.Quick Design
Enhance productivity by speeding up the process of pressure vessel modeling.
Weld Seams
Locate pressure vessel weld seams.Weld Seams
Designers can visually confirm good practices such as staggered longitudinal seams.
Lifting & Rigging
Safely install pressure equipment.Lifting & Rigging
Use an accurate weight, the correct center of gravity, and apply the actual section properties with the Lifting and Rigging Analysis feature.
Modeling + Drawings
Leverage the power of SOLIDWORKS® and Inventor®.Modeling + Drawings
The Codeware Interface (CWI) is no extra charge and includes Drafter 3D, a feature that auto-generates 2D pressure vessel drawings.
Related Codes
Complementary engineering methods, codes and standards.Related Codes
COMPRESS implements a wide range of related engineering methods, codes and standards.
Design Mode
Quickly size pressure vessel components.Design Mode
Design Mode saves time by reducing the trial and error iterations that would otherwise be required when designing pressure vessels.
Rating (Analysis) Mode
Find a pressure vessel’s MAWP and MDMT.Rating (Analysis) Mode
The COMPRESS Rating Mode takes your design and determines the vessel’s MAWP, MAEP and MDMT.
Avoid damaging equipment during hydrotest.Hydrotest
Performing hydrotest stress calculations in the design stage prevents equipment damage during hydrotesting.
Hillside Nozzle
Hillside, tangential and tilted nozzle design.Hillside Nozzle
COMPRESS saves time by calculating chord openings and governing planes of reinforcement automatically.
ASME Editions
COMPRESS includes 20+ years of ASME Code Editions.ASME Editions
Older ASME Codes are retained in all COMPRESS releases so you can always use the latest software.
Automatic Liquid Levels
Automatic Liquid Level feature saves time and reduces errors.Automatic Liquid Levels
COMPRESS eliminates the need to manually calculate each vessel component’s liquid static head.
Global External Loads
Easily consider global external loads when sizing pressure vessel supports.Global External Loads
The COMPRESS Loads Menu allows designers to easily consider global external loads when sizing pressure vessel supports.
Clips and Lugs
Quickly include the mechanical effects of pressure vessel internals and attachments.Clips and Lugs
Attach menu allows designers to quickly include the mechanical effects of pressure vessel internals and attachments in their designs.
Stacked Vessels
COMPRESS supports multi-chamber, vertically stacked vessel designs.Stacked Vessels
Certain industrial processes require pressure vessels to be built with multiple chambers operating under different design conditions.
Code Case 2695
Use Division 2 rules with Division 1 allowable stresses.Code Case 2695
CC 2695 produces more economical Division 1 pressure vessel designs due to increased accuracy from the Division 2 design by rule equations.
Manufacturer's Reports
Simplify the creation, submission and management of ASME Manufacturer's Data Reports.Manufacturer's Reports
Speed up documented data reports by transferring design information from the COMPRESS model directly to the selected ASME form.